To the Sweat
I hate to sweat. It's sticky and uncomfortable and usually means that I've exerted myself beyond natural levels. My face gets all red and my skin turns blotchy . . . it's not a pretty sight. I don't glow. I don't shimmer. If I'm running hard or playing hard, I sweat like . . . well, like something hot and slimy and sweaty. Ugh. It's not an under-arm kind of thing. My elbow pits sweat. My knee pits sweat ... actually my knees sweat, too, and it runs down my shins and soaks my socks. Ugh. Most of all my back sweats, especially the small of my back, and it runs down my back and drenches the waistband of my pants or shorts, which is really unattractive if you're a teenage girl wearing white shorts, playing racquetball on a hot summer day on an outdoor court with a cute boy. Having your rear end soaked with sweat is not appealing summer date attire. Sweating also means that I have to shower more often. Exercising daily equ...