Test, Test

I think the "Comments" function is working now. Sorry.


  1. Wow! Not only does your comment function work, but you also have a built in survey! Very nice. For those of us who can't resist commenting . . . thank you!


  2. BUT . . . and I hate to be picky . . . I still can't comment on your excellent writing below. So I will just add that I really liked your "Eulogy" essay. Last week Jen and I took two of our grandkids on a hike--truly a marvelous experience for me! But several funny things happened that support your thesis. I will share two: 1) Jen was showing Gracie the beautiful golden leaves that were started to scatter on the ground; she invited Gracie to pick one up, to examine it closer. Gracie was horrified: "we don't touch leaves . . . squirrels might have peed on them!" 2) Later, we found a very small baby shrew that was dead, right in our pathway. We looked at it carefully, identifying it and connecting its specie to all the holes we had found along our path. Ben, quickly noted: "We won't step on him . . . Jesus doesn't like it when we squish His animals!" SO true . . . to be dead is bad enough, but to then be squished . . . well, that's intolerable. We all laughed, but knew that Ben had taught a great lesson.

    Kids do need nature! It is full of vital lessons and causes us to connect to deity!

    Nice break! THANKS!!! Now back to work . . . .


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