The Days of Milk and Roses
Marie reminded me of this story, which I realized I haven't ever posted here. It is one of my favorite stories to tell on my sweet husband. It is from our years in Texas, while he was working on his PhD in Spanish Linguistics. When we arrived in Texas, we had two little boys in tow. When we left five years later, our fourth child was a month old. We lived in married student housing and lived off his graduate teaching assistantship, which came to about $700 a month. Even with adjustment for inflation, it wasn't much. And it certainly wasn't enough. We made do, though, mostly by finding fun things we could do that didn't cost anything at all. Gifts . . . well, gifts came mostly from Santa Claus (who at that time still looked an awful lot like my angel mother), or were handmade or otherwise inexpensive . . . well, no . . . free was more like it. We just did without a lot of stuff. John is a romantic guy. He's all about the sports and the jock stuff and ...
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